Thursday, March 09, 2006

Again To Be A Real Student

March 6, 2006, that was the first day of my "going back again to be a real student" in the Institut d'Enseignement de Promotion Sociale de la Communauté Française de Belgique (I.E.P.S.C.F. - UCCLE).

I am now studying French there. I start it from the very beginning. It is so nice, hamdulillah.

In the class, we are all 30 students of many cultures and native languages. There are Spanish, Chinese, Moroccan, Russian, Indonesian, and others. We're all together studying French, masyAllah. Sometimes it is easy or even so easy, but sometimes it is not understandable. But shortly I can say that the class, alhamdulillah, it is so nice, full of fun.

I have to attend the class 5 days a week.
Monday, 08.30 am to 02.00 pm.
Tuesday, 08.30 am to 01.00 pm.
Wednesday, 08.30 am to 02.00 pm.
Thursday, 12.15 pm to 05.40 pm.
Friday, 01.05 pm to 05.40 pm.

ope I will be able to speak French well one day without loosing my English ^_* insyAllah. Hope I will be able to write down posts in French one day in this Blog. InsyAllah....


dina susilo said...

hehehehe ntar klo posting pake bhs perancis jangan lupa versi indonya ya, biar aku ga gelagepan bacanya :D

bonne chance :)
pas ga nih ungkapannya :D)

myrna said...

Pas banget ucapannya.... Eni, bonne chance à toi aussi yah...