Friday, June 27, 2008

Mutiara Kita

Alhamdulillah. I am feeling so thankful to God as I just got a wonderful chance to know better the meaning of "having nicest friends around".

Couple of weeks ago I joined a "Liqo online" organized by Bu Mira. I met her first time in the Indonesian Embassy. That time I felt like an angel came to me, she said "hi" to me directly with her very genuine smile and her tender care. Alhamdulillah. And that was just the beginning. Through her, I discover the very nice community. Citra, Mbak Miya, Kak Lely, Mbak Ninda, Mbak Mieke. They are very nice ladies I met once a week online for trying to get closer to God, for trying to be happier, for trying to be more meaningful, for knowing better the meaning of "surrounded by very nice people is amazing". Alhamdulillah.

Now we have a milist named Mutiara Kita, our "something so precious". And yes, I have to say again and again alhamdulillah as this thing is not a big one, but so precious....just like a gorgeous little pearl.

*Picture by Getty Images"

1 comment:

Putria Fatmasari said...

Halluw mbak Myrna..salam kenal ya mbak..
Makasih dah mampir ke blog ku yang masih jelek inih hehehe...
Btw....dulu ada temen dr Belgia jugak lho yang mesen parcel buat lahiran ke aku hehehe isi nya jugak kueh2 hehehe..buat lahiran putri nya
Mbak Niken namanya..mungkin mbak kenal hehehehe..siapa tau Belgia begitu sempit kalo dah di dunia maya kekeke...

Btw...makasih banyak ya mbak atas kenalannya...semoga tersambung selalu tali silaturahmi kita....
Sukses selalu untuk mbak sekeluarga;)