Sunday, February 19, 2006

I Am Moslem And I Love Peace

Today as I read an article on, I got a very sad feeling. 16 die in cartoon protests in Nigeria. That's not Islam at all!!!

Why some moslems could do that? Islam never ever teachs violence. Islam is a peaceful religion.

They just didn't know what they did, as the ones who did insulting Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) insulted him.

When we really know Islam, when we really know Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), we will do something as wise as Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) did.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) dealt with insults. Instead of cursing the persons who insulted him, he prayed for their salvation! MasyAllah. It was his habit to pray for his enemies all the time.

The Prophet made similar Du`as (supplications) for his people on a regular basis: "O Allah! Guide my people, for they know not," he would pray, as he and his followers were beaten, humiliated, scorned and ridiculed (

Let me then paste the wise statement I got from

"Contrast this nobility with some ignorant believers today who are found cursing others and praying for the destruction of the world. We do not know the aims of individuals. We do not even know ourselves. So let's keep making Du`a’ that we stay on the right path and that Allah will guide others to it as well. We must not play God by assuming we know where others will end up.

When Allah tells us in the Qur’an about the kind of behavior which leads to receiving a good reward and the character which takes people to the Hellfire, He is saying this so that people may adopt the correct behavior and avoid Hellfire by abandoning what He forbade for our own good. Those verses are not meant to be a criterion for us to determine where others will end up. That knowledge is only with Allah, the Lord of the universe. "

I am moslem, and I love peace. That's what Islam definitely, absolutely teachs us. And mostly moslems do that.

I wrote that after reading so many provocative news and e-mails which I better leave them behind. The real truth, Alhamdulillah I can live my life peacefully side by side with friends who have different religions and I love them ;-)


Anonymous said...

kok blom apdet :)

myrna said...

Hehehe...iya nih, lagi mampet, gak ada ide. Next time jangan anonymous lagi yah, biar aku tahu siapa ini. Seneng lho kalo tahu siapa yang baca blog-ku. Makasih ya, semoga ada manfaatnya.

Anonymous said...

lupa ga nulis nama, sorry yg kmrn itu aku


myrna said...

Senengnya hatiku!!! Ternyata Eni masih suka baca blog-ku ya say. Semoga happy and healthy selalu yah. Aku tunggu ceritamu ya say!

tinna faryta said...

halo myrna.
senang sekali baca blogmu.
bisa aku jadi temanmu.
aku tina.
boleh Japri kalau ada waktu?

Anonymous said...

halo myrna
senang sekali blogmu
boleh aku jadi temanmu
aku tinna
lain waktu boleh Japri ya

myrna said...

Tina, seneng banget bisa kenal ama Tina. Aku sudah coba add Tina di Yahoo Messenger-ku. Have a wonderful day yah!

Anonymous said...

Myrna ayo bagi2 mimpi2 kamu skrg, check my blog ok :)
